I Got 99 Problems But a Polka Dot Ain’t One.

How to wear polka dots and still feel like a grown up.

Polka dots are one of those patterns that I am drawn to but I tend to say “Oh that’s not me.” After my last two blog posts discussed not labeling yourself  , or your items of clothing, I decided to take my own advice.  I actually wasn’t even consciously searching for a polka dot sweater but it must have been serendipitous fate. The polka dots sweater found me. There I was in Target, list in hand, trying to stay focused on the boring necessities I was there to buy. Clothes are much more exciting than paper towels, so I decided to take a quick detour through the women’s clothing section. There it was, super cute, taunting me, saying “I am way too pretty and preppy  for you, Miss Suzie Shopper.” That was it. Challenge accepted. It was on like donkey kong.

Pick me! Pick me!

My advice to trying a piece or pattern that you are iffy on is always DO NOT MAKE A BIG INVESTMENT. At $24.99 this is a low-cost committment for a relationship I am still trying to figure out if I want to invest in. There is no need to go all out and buy a polka dot cashmere sweater for over $200, until I am sure it is long-term love.

Cashmere polka dots via Neiman Marcus

Here’s how I personalized the polka dot sweater.

Green cords – Blank NYC
Vest – Old Navy
Gold Flats – Sam Edelman
Leopard Belt – Target
Jewelry – Avalon Antiques

The dark green corduroys felt much more me, and toned down the super cuteness of the dots. Gold flats felt pretty but simple. And the leopard belt added a little bit of edge. This outfit was just to go out to lunch at a pub with my family on a Sunday, so I kept it simple with a cream puffer vest. I was comfortable but still felt dressed, without over doing it. I like to keep Sundays simple.

How else can you rock these dots? Back to any of  these… Fall colored denim #Marshalls #falltrends

Throw on pretty much any shoe, from an ankle boot to a heel…

IMG_0667 (2)

and you are all set!

Really the dots can be directed toward your personality. Feeling preppy? Throw on a pair of pink corduroys and you are set to go. Want to go more punk? A leather skirt or coated denim (gives the look of leather but feels more like jeans) will do the trick. Feeling festive? This sweater with a red party skirt would be too cute for words.

This skirt from Temperly London is beyond my budget but a girl can dream, right?

Temperley London Nyla quilted silk-satin skirt  | THE OUTNET

This J Crew option is much more reasonable and might be a have to have for the holidays.

fluted skirt in double crepe

*Insider Tip – Opposites attract.

Whenever you find something you want to try to wear but are nervous it is too…rocker, youthful, big, small, preppy, pretty, dark, etc, remember that opposites attract. Try a  really pretty lacy top pair and pair it back to distressed denim. If you are wearing leather put something soft back to it, like a cashmere sweater. Think of my blog post from last week where I took a preppy blazer and put it over my gold skull sweater. The two extremes will balance each other out.

Oh and did I mention my daughter fell for the polka dots too? I honestly would have bought this sweatshirt if it was in my size too!


Published by suziegaffney

owner at Suzie Gaffney Styling

10 thoughts on “I Got 99 Problems But a Polka Dot Ain’t One.

  1. This pic of your daughter was obviously done before she came to our house. I don’t think her shoes were that shiny when she left and I don’t see leaves in her hair. You give me inspiration…wish I had your skill of putting your “simple” outfit together, I’m exhausted with just trying to find a shirt and pants that kinda match. Keep it coming!

    1. Rachel thx for reading! Remember that leaves in the hair are always a sign of a good time no matter what your age! And I will keep being inspired by how quickly you whip up family meals!

  2. You give me hope that someday I will branch away from my black (dare I say turtleneck-cue in Jenny giggling) sweaters and jeans. I will take the tip “opposites attract” to heart. It’s good advice for someone who is nervous to step out their comfort zone!

  3. Love the polka dot sweater! I have a caramel and black one from Old Navy last year… It’s my go to with a colored jean whenever I need a quick outfit!! I advise everyone to invest in one. Great post and outfit! You and faith look stunning, Miss you!!!

  4. Great Outfit Suzie…now off to every Target within 20 miles to track down the sweater I saw so many times and thought the same thing as you! I love it with the vest and leopard belt!! You should Instagram your outfits!!

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