Step Away From The Mom Jeans…Fall Must Haves from Lisa Baldwin, owner of Chantilly Blue.


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I had often thought it would be a fabulous idea if you could walk into a jean store and leave with a perfect fit in under a half hour, without any sweating or crying, or beating someone as you leave the fitting room. Enter Lisa Baldwin.  In the past I have referred to her as the Denim Doctor, or the Denim Whisperer.   She is the owner of Chantilly Blue in Kennett Square Pennsylvania and mother of 5 children. I include the mother part because I think it is integral in her understanding of women’s’ bodies and the lifestyles they lead. I drug my miserable post pregnant body, oversize baby and baby stroller into her store about 7 years ago. I was desperate for a pair of jeans that did not have a 6 inch vertical elastic panel at the waist. She was so helpful and I was able to get the perfect pair of jeans, and I still have them today. I guess that doesn’t say much for my ability to move past my post pregnancy body but the point is that she knows every brand and how they fit. This saves you heaps of time in the fitting room and avoiding throwing things at a mirror. Don’t be surprised if she asks you to come out of the fitting room so she check out your butt, and your waist, and your thighs.She is not hitting on you. This is how she sees how they fit on your body, then she can recommend the best cut to flatter you. It needs to be an interactive experience to be a successful one so don’t hide out alone in the fitting room.

“Does this trailer make my butt look big?”
image via

Since I value her opinion in fit and style I wanted to know what Lisa considered to be the three must have items for this fall season. I asked Lisa what is the best that fall has to offer at Chantilly Blue. In her own words I will let her take it from here.

“So as always, the perfect pair of well-fitting, flattering jeans.  In most
cases, this fall, it’s all about a long, lean leg paired with any kind of boot.
So the jean should fit well thru the waist, hip and thigh.  And then in my opinion it
should have some wrinkle at the ankle.  This way it will lengthen the leg with
flats, short boots, high boots, heels, wedges… pretty much everything.  the
important piece is that the jean should look AND feel perfect.  The kind of jean
that you hate to have to launder bc it means that they’ll be out of the rotation
for a couple of days….

All images via chantilly blue

Next, dresses.  simple, flattering, well, that’s always in style.  A woman’s
lifestyle will drive this one.  If she’s a professional woman working outside
the home, it should be elegant, powerful, current without being trendy.  Top
colors driving the season:  aubergine, mustard, moss, teal.  And always black.
If there were a print trend, it would be classic scarf prints or digital
prints, either of those works well in a top too.

Lastly, the cardi.  It’s taken a bit of a break for a couple of years, but the
layering piece in the form of a cardigan, either structured or not, is once
again a great staple to complete a look.  Faux or real leather is everywhere,
and the cardi is no exception.

But if there’s one thing that makes me crazy, its women thinking they MUST buy
trend.  Push a bit beyond your edges, but don’t go crazy.  If a woman isn’t
comfortable in a garment in the fitting room, she’s never gonna wear it in
public, no matter how many celebs are wearing it.  It’s about
finding YOUR personal style.  Buy what you love, and fits well, and you’ll
always be in style.  Keeping it simple ALWAYS works.  Find a perfect black top.
or white.  Layer it.  Accessorize it.  It should be the best quality that
one can afford to wear day/night, dressy/casual.  Add a scarf.  I always call
scarves “cheap jewelry.”  Also try color blocking… wearable, versatile, current.”

I think Lisa’s tips are perfect. And I promise you will never feel pressure to buy. If you aren’t happy then she isn’t happy.

*Insider Tip – I have to add one of my favorite parts to the Chantilly Blue store…MAKEUP!!! Smashbox and butterLondon are all available right in the store. There are no snooty ladies behind the counter or over eager ones with purple eyeshadow up to their forehead. No pressure, just fun makeup. THE perfect compliment to a new pair of jeans or just when you want to treat yourself to a small pick-me-up treat.

Chantilly Blue

120 West State Street

Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348

P :: 610.925.4644

E ::

Store Hours

Monday 10am – 5:30pm

Tuesday 10am – 5:30pm

Wednesday 10am – 5:30pm

Thursday 10am – 5:30pm

Friday 10am – 5:30pm

Saturday 10am – 5:30pm

Sunday 11am – 3:00pm

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5 responses to “Step Away From The Mom Jeans…Fall Must Haves from Lisa Baldwin, owner of Chantilly Blue.”

  1. I have heard great things about this store and cannot wait to get there!

    1. Jenny – I posted the horse pic just for you and me!
      Pick a date to with some friends to come visit KSQ!

  2. I love Smashbox cosmetics, I didn’t know Chantilly Blue sold them. I usually have to place an order through QVC. Love the horse butt pictures…lol!

    1. Ceil – Come out for Ladies Night Out on Thursday September 27th – they have a makeup artist in house for the Smashbox products – it is so fun!

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