These Boots Were Made For Walking – Ashley’s top picks from Ashley Austin Boutique


Go grab a coffee. Or a cocktail. This post is about shoes and there is no way it is going to be short. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Imagine you are having the perfect dream. It’s about shoes, tons of shoes. And they are displayed like works of art in a museum.

And all of your girlfriends are hanging out in the museum laughing, chatting, and having a blast. There is wine. And there are cupcakes. This is exactly what it is like to step into the Ashley Austin Boutique in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.

Hey, it’s my dream and if I want a tub made to look like a high heel I can have it.
image via pinterest

To start the place is beautiful. And everyone that works there is beautiful. You almost want to dislike them because it all seems too perfect but you can’t. They are nice, super nice. And funny. And magically you feel beautiful, funny, smart and nice when you are there. It is like a magical dust that sprinkles over you as soon as you step through the door.

I used to feel awkward going into smaller boutique type stores. I always felt like I had to buy something so it didn’t look rude. Kind of like going into someone’s home and you feel you have to find something nice to say. Even if it is a hoarders trailer on the edge of a swamp I feel compelled to find something, anything, nice to say.”Wow, I love the pretty home sweet home sign you have spelled out with cigarette ashes on your table!” But I promise you Ashley Austin is not that kind of place. (That you feel like you have to say something nice OR that you feel like you have to buy something – trust me you will want to do both!) There is no pressure ever to buy but I dare you to leave without anything.

I stopped in the other day to see what Ashley had handpicked for the Fall season. Each and every shoe is picked out by Ashley and reflects her taste for something that is wearable and unique. These are not the shoes that you will see on everyone else everywhere you go, so be prepared for some serious shoe envy when you are out and about. I couldn’t wait to get Ashley’s input on what she considered must-haves for Fall.

Up first, THE Hunter Wellie.

I bought mine a couple of years back and they are the best. And trust me, I tried to buy the cheapie version rainboot but it was uncomfortable and fell apart. These boots last and are sooooo comfortable. The very best part? Purchase the sock insert as an add on and Voilà!, now you have a snow boot.

Next, the Bootie. Not to be confused with the Booty.

The Booty, courtesy of my most adorable nephew Mason.
The Bootie, courtesy of Ashley Austin.

This shoe is perfect with just about everything. Have you seen pics of Katie Holmes rocking hers all over NYC? They are perfect for on the go because they are totally comfortable on your feet, and, they give you just enough height so that your jeans are dragging on the ground. Perfect for walking away from ex-husbands and Scientology.

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Also a must have for boots? The Frye boot.

This classic company has been making boots since the late 1800s. Originally made as a classic harness workboot they now range to all different heights, colors, and even sleek styles. I purchased my first pair last year and you will have to pry them out of my cold, dead hands because I will have them forever.

I think I’ll take both….

Smoking loafers aka smoking slippers.

If there was a current “it” shoe for the season it would be these flats. Pretty AND comfortable, and in a leopard print they are too cute for words. And your feet will thank you.

Don’t forget the extras…


And more bags!

Ah-May-Zing scarves, jewelry, perfume, candles….

I grabbed this before I left.

It is reversible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that!!!!

And I desperately want these but cannot settle on colors – too many good choices. If I was less selfish they would make a fabulous personalized gift.

Did I mention they get new deliveries almost every day? They were just unpacking these cuties before I left.

*Insider Tip – Take care of your shoes. It is a small price to pay if you invest in the proper care product up front. Condition your shoes and protect them at the beginning and middle of each season, and in a perfect world before you put them away at the end of the season as well. You will be so happy you did when your small child spills milk on them. I am speaking from experience. Frye has a wonderful treatment sold right at Ashley Austin.

*Insider Tip – Store your tall boots properly. Again, given unlimited resources a true boot tree insert is wonderful.

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Under my normal person circumstances you can use an empty wine bottle (they magically appear in our house….), an extra-large water bottle, a “swim noodle”, and rolled up magazines (the large Fall Fashion issue size).

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Okay so now I know you are dying to get into Ashley Austin. Here’s all the info….

106 West State Street Kennett Square, PA 19348


Like them on facebook to receive the updates on their new finds.

Mon – Fri: 10:00 am 6:00 pm
Sat: 10:00 am 5:00 pm
Sun: 11:00 am 3:00 pm
And if you needed an excuse to get out….
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6 responses to “These Boots Were Made For Walking – Ashley’s top picks from Ashley Austin Boutique”

  1. Suzy you’re killing me with all of these fabulously tempting places to shop. My 2 hour a day window between drop offs/pick ups just won’t allow it! I will just dream of a free Saturday of shopping……

    1. Come out for ladies night next week!! Bring some girlfriends and get the hubbies to babysit! You would love all of these shops! Did I mention there is a wine bar in Kennett in town?!?!?!

  2. Awesome ideas for storing high boots!! Thank u!!!! I am abt to go use a few of ur ideas….aka-wine bottles!! 🙂 lol

  3. Loved the tid bit on Kate “walking away…” I love shoes and slowly I’ve come to realize that no matter how cute a pair of shoes are, if they aren’t comfortable and can only be worn for an hour, its just not worth having/keeping. In fact sometimes just trying on a shoe doesn’t truly merit its bearability on my feet. Anyway real quickly yesterday I pondered on buying MK loafers, seeing the style every wear but realizing “No, I feel way to fun/young to wear a loafer, I’ll go with square toed slightly ballet flats.” somethings will never change….Purses do! Will I ever wear a loafer shoe like the 1st photo above? We’ll see? In your expert opinion when what age range wears loafers? (Not including deck shoes which kinda goes in that category right?)

    1. Jeni – Totally agree that I have to be able to wear the shoe. And I found I always do better in a heel that is strapped onto my ankle in some form. They just fit better. So the loafers – what age? I will admit it . I was hesitant. Even when all my cute college age neices were rocking the Sperry top-siders this summer I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I felt they just looked weird on me. I stuck with Toms when I needed something more practical. But for Fall I need something warmer and more durable. I bought my mocs from Ashleys on Monday and have found a reason to wear them for some part of every day this week. I think the key is to keep them edgy, which starts by buying them in an unusual color or material. I naturally gravitated toward the leopord. I love them with a skinny jean and black leather jacket. In my lifestyle – kids, carpools, running around in retail, they have become sort of a necessary evil that I have grown to love. Plus it truly can be difficult to drive with 5 inch platforms on. So to answer your question I think lifestyle more than age dictates when the driving moc/loafer becomes a staple. Also no matter what age I think it is so important to personalize them in your own style statement. Does that make sense???

      1. Yes, I truly appreciated your opinion. Its all relative and how each individual can pull a certain look off. TY!

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