Visual Serenity


It’s ALL about the hangers.

Just ask Joan…

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Last week I posted about what I think is the number one most essential item to have in your closet, this week is all about the number one way you can make a difference in the way your closet looks. Put your clothes on matching hangers. Check any real estate guide on getting your home ready to sell and they will tell you to do this. Visually it helps the buyer view the seller as being clean and organized. Don’t wait until you sell your home to enjoy this for yourself.

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You may think that the best time of year to do this is when you switch your closet over from winter to spring/summer but trust me that really is only for seasoned professionals as it can become confusing very quickly. Before you know it you won’t know which items are coming or going. The best time is actually RIGHT NOW.

Here in Pennsylvania our weather has been…gray. Very, very, very gray. It is cold and we are stuck indoors. It is the perfect time to tackle indoor projects. Let’s face it when the weather gets nice the last thing you will want to do is be stuck inside your closet.  Sometimes people avoid taking the time to clean out their closets because they don’t feel like dealing with all that comes it with it – analyzing their style, deciding what should stay vs. go, getting rid of the discards and reorganizing it all. You can get overwhelmed with the whole task and end up skipping the it all together. Consider this your non-committal short-cut to a clean closet. Skip straight to the best part of a clean out simply by switching to matching hangers.

My good friend recently built a new home (with closets that I would sell my kidney for) and she took the move as the perfect opportunity to make the switch. She was so sweet and sent me her before and after.



So much prettier!  (Thanks Lynn!)

So if you are feeling motivated then your next question is probably which hangers to use. Here’s a primer.

1. Wooden Hangers

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Pros – Sturdy and strong these are built to last with a classic and clean good look to them. Have a swivel S-hook (that metal thing on the the top that makes it easier to have all your clothing facing the same direction). The notches help with any slippery items. They make your closet feel like you are shopping in a boutique.

Cons –  Bulky, they will take up a lot of room in your closet.

Price – Not cheap, Pricey (think between $1.50 -$2 per hanger)

Where To Buy –  Home Depot,  Bed, Bath and Beyond, and online wholesalers. I use these in my closet but I had to do it in phases due to the cost.

2. The Slim Line Hanger

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Pros – Visually appealing, these are the modern look for today’s closet. The velvety finish assures your tops won’t fall off. Now available in pretty much every shade, although I think black is best because you can always add to it and know it will match. The slim feature means you can pack a lot into a space (this could be a good or bad thing…)

Cons – Not super strong or good for heavy items, they do break. Not all are made with a swivel S-hook.

Price – Affordable (I saw packs of 50 for as low as $22) But make sure to compare prices as there is a huge rage. Remember you pay for what you get so buy the best quality you can afford.

Where to Buy – QVC, Costco, HSN, Homegoods, etc. They are starting to be everywhere.

3. Plastic/Tube Hangers

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 Pros – They will do the job just fine, look for the notched version. Available in pretty much every color. Perfect for a college dorm or the kids room where you know they will not be a permanent fixture in your wardrobe.

Cons – I know it is horrible but they are ugly. Obviously no swivel S-hook action.

Price – At an average of about .30 a hanger you this is an easy switch. I use these in the small size for our kids.  I hang their clothes right out of the dryer and the kids can put them away themselves.

Where to Buy – The Dollar Store, Big Lots, mass discounters.

Image via Pinterest

4. Wire Hangers

My consulting style is very laid back in the sense that I am not there as a dictator but more of a guide to help you find your own style. Even if you have Christmas-Tree printed gauchos in your closet I won’t make fun of you or tell you to give them up, provided you tell me that you actually love and wear them. The area I do get bossy in is this one.  I always take them with me when I leave a consult.

They ruin your clothes by putting dents in your shoulders of your shirts which can quickly give you the Lady GaGa look.

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 They are cheap. They are weak. They tangle together like a cruel game of barrel of monkeys that you just can’t win.  The drycleaners use them as a means for us to take our clothes home, not to store them on. Leave some empty nice hangers right in your coat closet so that you can take off the crappy wire ones as soon as you get home from the drycleaners.  Don’t forget it is especially important to take your clothes out of the chemical filled drycleaner bags and let them breathe.  Put a bin at the bottom of your coat closet for the discarded wire hangers so you can take  them back to the drycleaners for recycling.

So are you ready to get started??

Make the best of it by pouring a very large cup of coffee (or wine!), put on your favorite movie or music, and set forth in transforming your space, which can be completed in about 1 hour. Chances are after you start you will be motivated to clean out anyway.

*Insider Tip – Buy the best quality you can can afford, even if it means not being able to do the whole closet right away.   Buying from a bulk distributor or online wholesaler will help to keep the cost down.  

*Insider Tip – Start small. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take things out in small groups, not the whole shebang or you will be faced with an overwhelming tsunami of clothes. If needed you can even break it into a section each night.

*Insider Tip – This makes a fabulous gift. Even more so if you share the closet and you get to reap the benefits.

You know that person that you never know what to buy for them? Buy them hangers. Such a nice splurge and they will think of you every day.  I know it sounds silly but wouldn’t you love it? This is an especially good guy gift. You would be surprised how many men really appreciate it when their closet feels put together. I eventually did my husbands closet in all wood hangers and they are perfect for his hang-to-dry golf shirts. Want to go an extra step further? Hire me and I will get you the hangers and have the items transferred to their new matching homes in about an hour.

Check back next week as I will show you the updates and anatomy of my own closet. In the meantime I have updated my Services Offered section to hopefully make more sense.

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6 responses to “Visual Serenity”

  1. I could always use good advice when it comes to closets. I seem to never be able to get a good grip on the problem. I never have enough room. Maybe different hangers would help. I like this rule~ if I haven’t wore the article of clothing in a year~ditch it! Great rule, I believe it is from Oprah. Now if only I could follow it!

    1. Ceil – I am heard this too, about the 1 year rule. I can’t totally live by it because there are things I sort of put on ice in the guest room closet but then I will reintroduce to myself. I do think the right hangers actually create more space. And trasferring all the clothes to different hangers makes you motivated to purge!

  2. I recently renovated my teen’s closet. Painted the inside a Tiffany blue, Closet-Maid white wire rack system with all white hangers from Target. Gorgeous! It’s Mommy’s turn now to invest in a beautiful closet system!!!

    1. Kellie – I absolutely love the idea that you painted it that color! Can’t wait to hear what you do for your own!

  3. I’m all about wooden hangers…..because when it comes to clothes, it’s about quality, not quantity. 🙂

    1. Jeni – Totally agree! I love mine but just wish I had a bigger closet for them!

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