Scorched Earth

Every wanted to take a lighter to you entire closet? I got you. I’ve been there. I am there.

Weekday Wardrobe

Sometimes it’s just easier when someone tells you what to do. I’m not talking about someone who tells you to go jump off a bridge or to go rob a bank, I’m talking about what to wear. This is why uniforms can be brilliant. It’s one less decision. If, like me, your brain feels like it’sContinueContinue reading “Weekday Wardrobe”

Are You In A Rut?

  Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut? I know I am and I also know I am the one keeping me in that rut. Yesterday for dinner I had a grilled cheese and a martini, followed by 3 sea salted chocolate covered caravels (Damn you Lisa for introducing me to those!!).ContinueContinue reading “Are You In A Rut?”

How To Shop Smarter Right Now

You need to shop for clothes. You may love it, you may hate it, but unless you are living full-time in a nudist colony you need to buy clothes. And whether you love it or hate it the end goal is to come home with purchases that you love and will wear. So why doContinueContinue reading “How To Shop Smarter Right Now”